Jornal de ヤママユガ, 11 out 19



1298 kcal Gord: 60,33g | Prot: 74,33g | Carbs: 116,51g.   Café da Manhã: ゆで卵, アーモンド. Almoço: ふじっ子 きんぴら, サーモン, 関西スーパー キャベツ千切り, ゆで卵, いなば食品 ライトツナスーパーノンオイル, 関西スーパー バーリーマックス(スーパー大麦)入り梅昆布. Jantar: おかめ納豆 すごい納豆 S-903納豆菌, 関西スーパー キャベツ千切り, マルコメ 料亭の味 わかめ, 花王 ヘルシア緑茶, ゆで卵. Lanches/Outros: はちみつ, ゆで卵, グリコ ジャイアントコーン クッキー&チョコ. mais...

9 Apoiadores    Apoio   

HI ヤママユガ . I will start to drink honey for lose weight benefit .I would like to know how much you use honey per time? Thank you.😙 
11 out 19 por membro: jinny66
jinny66さん> I drink honey because it helps stabilize blood sugar while sleeping and helps repair internal organs. Take a tablespoon spoon directly, about 30 minutes to 1 hour before going to sleep. If possible, it is written on various sites that extra additives and unpasteurized "pure honey" are good, but I don't know if there is any difference. ¬=|oO(Honey is not directly effective in burning fat. 
12 out 19 por membro: ヤママユガ
Thank you ^^ 
12 out 19 por membro: jinny66
壁 |-°|チラッ 壁 |▽°|b✨ 壁 |ノシ サッ 
12 out 19 por membro: ヤママユガ
12 out 19 por membro: hobodon (호주부)
hobodonさん>내 체질에 꿀은 궁합이 좋은 것 같습니다▽°|b✨ 
12 out 19 por membro: ヤママユガ
When I have sore throat, I take a spoon of honey and swallow slowly before sleep. Honey is my throat medicine.  
12 out 19 por membro: hobodon (호주부)
hobodonさん> The high sterilizing power of honey is truly a natural medicine✨ ¬=|oO(However, if you take a large amount of honey, it is more likely to cause adverse effects (fat accumulation, risk of causing diabetes) than good benefits. 
12 out 19 por membro: ヤママユガ
Yamamayuga san you are right. So I keep only 100g of honey at my stock, only for throat cases. Or sometimes, when I get strong desire for sweet, then I take a tea spoon. Then I become relieved. 😇 
12 out 19 por membro: hobodon (호주부)
hobodonさん>Thank you✨ I like tea because it is delicious regardless of the type. It ’s good that you do n’t overuse it✨ I think that the first person to drink tea made a great discovery. ¬=|oO(I understand the urge to get sweet things innocently. A picture of the previous ice cream, drunk and bought in a half-unconscious state (I later understood how the body wanted sugar) 
13 out 19 por membro: ヤママユガ
14 out 19 por membro: そめこ
I read in some journal said honey help to boost energy so good for diet but eat in suitable amount (not too much ) 
14 out 19 por membro: jinny66
そめこさん> 結論から言うと 『ハチミツが直接脂肪を燃焼はしません』 寝る前のハチミツは、血糖値を安定させるのと内臓の修復の手助けをしてくれます。 寝る30分前から1時間くらい前に大さじ1杯(サイトによっては2杯から3杯とも書かれてたりします)を直接飲みます。 1日トータルの糖質摂取量と、そめこさん自身の体質、体調でお試しください。 『ダイエットは、無理の無い食事管理、睡眠、適度な運動』を続けて効果が出ます。 ▽°|bグッ 
14 out 19 por membro: ヤママユガ
14 out 19 por membro: jinny66
jinny66さん> I myself think honey's excellence is high nutrients and bactericidal power. If you don't use a large amount in pancakes or desserts, you should recommend it to everyone (except for babies) unless you are allergic. ▽°|b✨ 
14 out 19 por membro: ヤママユガ
ヤママユガさん お返事ありがとうございます😊 そうなんですね♪早速今夜からやってみます! 
14 out 19 por membro: そめこ
そめこさん> 壁 |-°|チラッ 壁 |▽°|bグッ 壁 |ノシ サッ 
14 out 19 por membro: ヤママユガ


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