Jornal de Annisworkingonit

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27 maio 2024

27 maio 2024

Good morning FS friends

3.4 lbs to Goal 11 ! Normal weight per BMI. Yes it will be the highest end of it and the goal is midrange normal but sooooo close now to the next mental NSV. Getting from morbidly obese at 41+ to classed as overweight was pretty exciting. Normal even if on the cusp is for me a radical concept.

It's taking the brain a while to adapt to the clothes shopping thing though. Costco had a clearance on Capris so bought a 14. Got home, put them on. Loose and need a belt so they don't fall off when I'm working or if I put garden pruners in a pocket. Keeping them for gardening as all my other pants are dark and too hot for the massive amount of yard work that needs doing. With all the rain we've been getting not only have the plants grown exponentially but so have the weeds. In a couple of places where I've added triple mix there are 3 ft tall dandelions with huge leaves worthy of a salad .

Since it's raining, think I'll head out and do some transplanting. Saves having to water and I don't melt.

Over and out
Peso: Perdidos até agora: Ainda faltam: Dieta seguida:
73,7 kg 46,1 kg 10,2 kg Razoavelmente Bem
   (7 comentários) Perdendo 0,4 kg por Semana

24 maio 2024

23 maio 2024

Good morning FS friends

Had the zap test the other day. What I didn't know was that it was also going to be a muscle response test. Yikes. The electrical jolts were one thing. Having needles inserted and wiggled around down my spine and legs was entirely another.

The good news is that there is no back injury or spinal issue. Apparently it is the peroneal nerve that branches off from the sciatic nerve that is the problem. There is one more test to be ultrasound to see if the nerve is bound and can be released, or whether this foot drop might be healed with physio or a lifelong deficit. The irony of it all is that the fight to regain mobility has been hard won, then poof, out of the blue this happens.

To that end, and whilst awaiting the test, I've started my own physio using Youtube videos as guides. Also have booked sessions with our local physio clinic next week to make sure that what I'm doing now is correct. Have also ordered a foot drop brace to facilitate walking. The last thing I want is another catastrophic fall.

Sent John home for a few days as between his issues and this latest physical issue of mine, am finding myself slipping into a funk with a tinge of anxiety. Keeping up the facade of positivity around a person who is deep in depression is draining. Could also be as a result of post goddaughter visit blues with not much to look forward to. Could be a case of life and the path ahead starting to overwhelm me again. All that being said, I remain a fundamentally positive person and the challenge for me will be to keep my health and wellbeing ahead of all else. Historically not a strong core competency of mine as compulsive caregiving of other beings is innate.

Must go into the garden and get busy as there I do find peace (That and the extraordinarly tall dandelions that seeminly sprung up overnight need tackling) There's also another concert courtesy of my friend tonight. Between these two things likely this mood will pass sooner rather than later.

The path we walk is never straight is it?

Over and out

20 maio 2024

Good morning FS friends,

Today is the day. Goal 10 met. 100lbs lost. On the cusp of a normal BMI.

Boggles my mind actually. What is kind of fun about the NSV part of this journey is that my closets are becoming increasingly barren. Popped into a thrift shop the other day looking for tops. Depending on make/model M/L now fit comfortably. Went to a liquidation place and bought a couple pair of jeans. Since I couldn't try them on, bought a 14 and a 12 thinking the 14 might fit and the 12 would be aspirational. 14s are loose, 12s are comfortable (don't have to lie down to get the zipper done up level comfortable).

I know to many of you these sizes sound huge but I've come from 4X/5X jeggings and tops. Last time I fit into a 12 anything I was in my mid teens. Weirdly though I weigh more now than then.

Did i ever think this would be possible? Nah. Yet here we are.

Happy dance

Over and out
Peso: Perdidos até agora: Ainda faltam: Dieta seguida:
74,0 kg 45,7 kg 10,5 kg Razoavelmente Bem
   (12 comentários) Perdendo 0,4 kg por Semana

Histórico de Peso de Annisworkingonit

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